Seven causes slow computer when Internet is slow and the following solutions
Browsing The Internet is one of the many activities done by people to be able to search for certain information. This activity is also quite fun and entertaining ranging from social networking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, online games, download movies, watch YouTube and many more. All things can be done easily. However, what if we are fun chatting or Internet? Either because what arrived suddenly the computer or laptop that we used to be slow? Must be very annoying heart huh? It can also apply to other electronic devices such as mobile Android, Smartphone, iPad, Tablet and so on. In general, to be able to cope with the slowing down computer is to do maintenance continuously and periodically, do not forget to do some important steps such as simple tune-up. If you need to even have to reinstall Windows or upgrade hardware components, this may be the right solution to keep your computer performing at optimal work. But before that, we should need to look at and pay attention to wha...